The exponential growth of content means that organizations are faced with the daunting task of managing the increasing volume of interrelated digital assets.
Most Artists, Small Businesses and Non-Profit organizations own thousands, hundreds of thousands if not millions of digital materials
Initial Consult & Meeting
Complimentary 30-45 minute initial consultaction to discuss projects, goals, the content and collections, current state of affairs, ideal state, a fun, collaborative introduction to our journey
Mapping Our Journey
Basic initial review of material (Processing Evaluation) in which our team cursorily goes through all material, take note of obvious and possible data architecture and map out possible paths based on desired outcomes, times, cost
*hourly for Digital Cartology work plus additional unlimited access via email or meeting
Path Selection, Implementation & Discovery
present a few path options based on our conversations and what I discovered from that initial exploratory work in Phase I. We walk along this path with our clients, no path is the wrong one, all have twists, turn and unexpected (and usually amazing) outcome and all suggested structures and systems are created to be flexible, adaptable and scalable with the client.
Success Guaranteed also known as Phase III
No matter what path you choose the end results will be the same, a more organized, mindful, happy, calm, productive you cabalble of anything and endless growth
Don't wait to experience the joy of having complete organized control over your content and collections
of mindful, calm, productive and fruitful workflow patterns, policies and procedures *(incorporating as much streamlining and automation as possible or desired)
Manage and control the integrity of your brand, digital copyright, watermarking & security
Control access and protect digital assets in a secure, centralized repository
Safely and Easily Share digital assets internally and externally
Transform and deliver digital assets for multiple media channels
Database and keyword structuring and implementation
Enrich digital assets with custom, adaptive, richly descriptive metadata
Adaptable processes & data architecture with focus on growth and optimal scalability
Planting the seeds for SUCESS
The Mindful Archivist Project, LLC, provides consulting services to small business, entrepreneurs and Nonprofits. Our Services include database architecture development, digitization, curated physical and digital organization and policy and procedural development for optimal storage, retrieval, workflows and product creation.
Our goal at The Mindful Archivist Project, LLC is to help as many people as possible, our target audience is focused on local small business, entrepreneurs and Nonprofits.
We provide calm, patient assistance in adaptable, scalable hierarchical and interconnected organizational structures, digitization services, and robust description and metadata creation that is mindful and focused on client goals.
Professional Archivist with over 11 years of experience at the Metropolitan Opera, where Mike is the Associate Director of Alrchives. A certified Personal Trainer, Fitness and Mental Wellness are important to this zany student of the world, apprising Feng Shui Master, Life Mission is to be kind and leave things even slightly better than found l
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